Friday, June 14, 2013

GIMP: Picture editing!

Today I found this program called GIMP. It is a program that you can use to edit photos, and be more creative with. I have actually found it to be quite fascinating. I never realized what all you can do while editing pictures. This for me has been a great find, as I love to take pictures, but nothing is more saddening than finding something wrong with a picture. Especially when it was a one time opportunity.  Here is the example gave on the site that allows you to edit pictures from blemishes

and here is an example from the site of how you can change the perspective and the color scheme.

I am hoping that I can use this to edit some pictures and get some pictures of the food that I cook up on this blog! So continue to check back and look for some upcoming pictures (: 
If you're interest in downloading this program you can find it at 
Good night all and enjoy! -Marissa

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rice pudding for breakfast; not anytime soon

The first recipe I made was  a rice pudding recipe. It was to be a healtheir form of oatmeal that could be eaten for breakfast. You had to mix rice milk, brown rice, and dried cranberries. Then cook it in a slow cooker with a towel over. Upon making it, it didn't look too bad. That thought was quickly changed after I tasted it. It was beyond bland and the dried cranberries did nothing to help it. I guess if you added sugar to it, it may have been better, but honestly it was not worth the calories. The recipe said it made 8 servings and each serving was about 140 calories. The entire recipe made what would be considered more like 3 or 4 servings. It was definitely not worth the calories or the length of time it took to cook it. Let's just say that this recipe was definitely a fail. Definitely not a new breakfast food for me anytime soon.