Friday, June 7, 2013

Rice pudding for breakfast; not anytime soon

The first recipe I made was  a rice pudding recipe. It was to be a healtheir form of oatmeal that could be eaten for breakfast. You had to mix rice milk, brown rice, and dried cranberries. Then cook it in a slow cooker with a towel over. Upon making it, it didn't look too bad. That thought was quickly changed after I tasted it. It was beyond bland and the dried cranberries did nothing to help it. I guess if you added sugar to it, it may have been better, but honestly it was not worth the calories. The recipe said it made 8 servings and each serving was about 140 calories. The entire recipe made what would be considered more like 3 or 4 servings. It was definitely not worth the calories or the length of time it took to cook it. Let's just say that this recipe was definitely a fail. Definitely not a new breakfast food for me anytime soon.


  1. Your blog looks good. I too like trying to make new things and unfortunately they don't always turn out the way I would like them to.

    1. Thanks. I'm told how good of a cook I am, but sometimes the recipes themselves aren't anything like I expected lol

  2. Try buying fresh rice at an Oriental store, it will never taste bland no matter how you cook it. The only problem is buying it in such a large quantity, about 25 pounds. But it is so good you can share it with your friends.
    Ignore the calories and add cooked rice to a can of coconut milk, then warm it up with dried fruit and fresh corn on the cob. First of course, cook and slice off the corn .

    1. H'm I will have to look into that. Thanks (:
